Key Points

Keyword of this month :

Low Trading Volume / Volatility in small caps

1. Low Trading Volume

Following last month, the market's trading volume has not shown signs of recovery. There is anticipation regarding ETF approval, but it does not appear to be reflected in the market yet. Market participants are cautiously watching and expect a rebound in the near future.

2. Volatility in Small caps

We're cautiously monitoring this and may capitalize on opportunities if we can stabilize our strategy swiftly

Strategy Statistics

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - OKX

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - Binance

Market Statistics

Name Value MoM
BTC Price 25,940.77 USDT -11.26%
BTC Dominance 49.15% -1.48%
Crypto Total Cap 1.03T USDT -9.91%
Dollar Index 103.62 +1.71%
Gold Index 1939.6 -1.32%
