Cumulative Return Graph


Strategy Statistics

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - OKX

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - Binance

Market Statistics

Name Value MoM
BTC Price 42283.58 USDT +12.09%
BTC Dominance 51.6% -2.68%
Crypto Total Cap 1.605T USDT +15.30%
Dollar Index 101.379 -1.91%
Gold Index 2062.66 +1.32%

Quant Research Comments

To our investors,

This month has been a highly volatile period for both the market and our strategies. While the overall market has been on the rise, our strategies have, in the end, experienced a decline in performance. In response to this, we will be sharing a report that analyzes the December status by time period and will also provide answers to anticipated questions.

December Trading Status