Cumulative Return Graph


Strategy Statistics

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - OKX

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - Binance

Market Statistics

Name Value MoM
BTC Price 42580 USDT +0.70%
BTC Dominance 52.71% 2.51%
Crypto Total Cap 1.585 T USDT -1.25%
Dollar Index 103.512 +2.10%
Gold Index 2039.27 -1.13%

Quant Research Comments

To our Investors

January 2024 was the biggest event for the listing of the Bitcoin ETF. However, contrary to expectations, there was no significant volatility in Bitcoin, and instead, there was a tendency to focus on Ethereum. This volatility has allowed for consistent profits over the month, and the performance of Alpha increased even more by the end of the month. We will do my best to continue delivering steady results going forward

January Trading Status