Cumulative Return Graphs


Strategy Statistics

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - OKX

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - Binance

Market Statistics

Name Value MoM
BTC Price 71,280 USDT +16.60%
BTC Dominance 53.62% -1.87%
Crypto Total Cap 2.615 T USDT +18.86%
Dollar Index 104.487 +0.35%
Gold Index 2,232.53 +9.24%

Quant Research Comments

To our investors

In March, market volatility increased significantly compared to the previous month. The market reacted immediately to continued inflows into Bitcoin ETFs, hitting year-long highs and then experiencing sharp corrections. Although Bitcoin is the mainstay of trading in the overall market, other layer 1 assets have also made progress along with rising prices.

In this market, the Alpha strategy mainly traded Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana this month, and unlike last month, new opportunities were created by taking short-term long and short positions on assets with rapidly increasing trading volume, such as AI-related tokens or meme coins.

March Trading Status