Cumulative Return Graphs


Strategy Statistics

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Alpha Strategy - Binance

Market Statistics

Name Value MoM
BTC Price 62,772 USDT -7.06%
BTC Dominance 54.81% +1.07%
Crypto Total Cap 2.255 T USDT -8.11%
Dollar Index 105.849 +1.17%
Gold Index 2,326.15 -0.04%

Quant Research Comments

To investors,

In June, Heybit Alpha terminated the strategy on OKX and started focusing on Binance.

The overall market situation shows a downturn with low liquidity. Due to the challenging market conditions, Heybit Alpha remained stagnant throughout June.

Market Insight

[SPY performance in June]

[SPY performance in June]